Animated LED Tengu Brick
Price: $49.99
There is a philosophy in Japan with regards to electronics that a new bit of gadgetry doesn't exactly have to be practical to be useful. One only has to look at their total embrace of household robotics to see the truth of it. Their approach to gadgetry is to develop the product first, then create the need for it.For example - here we have a cute little white plastic brick with a face made of LEDs. The tiny microphone in the base picks up sounds in the room, whether it's music, or your loudmouth boss, and makes his mouth move in time. It's like he's lip synching to the song! Kinda like Britney, only much much smaller, and probably smells better.
He's USB powered, so plug him in to any powered USB port, set him near your favorite sound-source, and your little buddy will perform for you all day long!
USB Powered.
Microphone in the base detects sound.
LED face moves to the music.
Seven different faces to fit any mood.
Order from Think Geek: http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/japanfan/a0a6/
Think Geek contact info: orders@thinkgeek.com
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